Beiträge von Sabot3ur

    Zur allgemeinen Information:

    Die stärkste Sniper-Waffe die M200 wurde von den Missionen entfernt. Sie kann nur noch in Tissy (Chernarus) oder im Tempel (DeerIsle) gefunden werden.

    Nach Prüfung kommt heraus: Die Toxic Zone liegt bei Tisy, wo sowieso schon die Radioaktivität ist.

    Das würde ich gerne so lassen. Bitte nennt mir einen alternativen Ort, wo es Sinn macht, die Toxic Zone hinzulegen. Bitte X,Y und Radius. Danke

    Hallo Survivors,

    bald ist unsere Event Arena weit draussen im Meer einsatzbereit. Momentan laufen noch die Betonierungsarbeiten für den Boden und das Fundament...

    Seht selbst...

    Und wir freuen uns darauf - Euch zum Tor der Hölle hereinzulassen !!!!

    Hier unsere Box Arena....

    dedicated to WenZi

    Erstmal top, daß du hithilfst. Danke dafür

    Meine Vorschläge:

    WoundInfectionChance (percent) = 20

    ZombieArmFractureChance (percent) = 10

    SalineBloodRegen = 0

    sonst machen glaube ich die Medikamente keinen Sinn, wenn jeder nur Blut benötigt ??

    @Stefan - Sabot3ur:

    Checke ob NBCBootsGray,NBC* im Loot ausreichend spawnt. Die Medikamente sind minimal höher wie Vanilla, sollte passen

    Hallo zusammen,

    starte nun eine Umfrage, ob Medical Attention eingefügt werden soll (es geht um Chernarus Expansion) - es sind div. Spieleranfragen da....…iledetails/?id=1735691552

    Ich habe es bei dem einen oder anderen schon rausgehört, frage aber lieber nochmal hier nach.

    Stimmt einfach ab....

    Die Konfig (hatte da etwas vergessen einzustellen), könnt ihr am Chernarus Server mit BBP+ testen...

    Wir können die Konfig auch gerne zusammen anpassen.... Im Anhang befindet sich die aktuelle Konfig...


    Beschreibung - bitte Translator benutzen


    Basic Medical Attention Tips

    Immunity is calculated using all four stats... your fluid, food, blood and health levels all work together to determine your immunity level. Your immunity level is pivotal to determining your disease level for many conditions, so it is best to maintain all levels as high as you are able. Some conditions may even wear off on their own if your immunity is high or greater.

    Cholera is contracted by drinking from dirty water sources or drinking with bloody/dirty hands.

    Symptoms: Vomiting when eating. Only your stomach is emptied, and there is no fluid loss or dehydration. The chances of vomiting is increased in the later stages of this disease.

    Treatment: Eating in small quantities will lessen the chance of vomiting, and antibiotics will cure this condition.

    Salmonella can be contracted from eating raw meat or from zombie hits (if your immunity level is below high).

    Symptoms: Vomiting from time to time regardless of food/fluid intake, and considerable dehydration. In later stages vomiting will increase and dehydration will become a major threat to life.

    Treatment: Prevention is your best course of action, keep your food, fluids, and immunity levels high. However, if you are struck down with this condition, vitamins will temporarily boost your immunity, stopping the evolution of the disease, and enable it to abate. Remember, antibiotics will not aid you, but charcoal will cure this condition, and saline will help with extreme fluid loss.

    Wound Infection
    Be advised that using normal rags on a bleeding wound has a chance of causing a wound infection (default 50%, configurable).

    Symptoms: Fever (blurred vision and constant water loss).

    Treatment: Antibiotics or prevention...clean rags with alcohol or use sterile bandages.

    Caution: Wound infections are more resistant to treatment than any other condition. You may require a course of multiple pills, however precise timing with dosing is required, waiting for the completion of the previous pill and dosing immediately after is the correct treatment plan.

    Cold and/or Influenza
    Common colds and flu can be contracted by enduring body temperature levels below normal for over 20 minutes, or by sleeping without a fire.

    Symptoms: The sneezing of a common cold will evolve to a cough and a fever (highlighted by blurred vision and constant water loss) if left untreated.

    Treatment: Prevention with a high immunity is your best course of action. However, if you are struck down with this condition, vitamins will temporarily boost your immunity thereby stopping the evolution of the disease and will enable it to abate. Antibiotics will also cure this condition. And remember, wearing masks can prevent the spread of this disease.

    Broken Legs
    Fracture of leg bones can happen when falling from the height or taking damage from heavy melee attacks to the legs, high caliber bullets, explosions or bear traps.

    Symptoms: Unable to sprint and falling prone very often.

    Treatment: bones will heal by themselves in about 15 minutes. Injecting Morphine will prevent going prone and allow normal walking for 1 minute. Crafting and applying a splint will also allow walking normally for longer time until the bones are completely healed. However there is no treatment that will allow full sprinting with fracture.

    Broken Arms
    Fracture of arm bones can happen when taking damage from heavy melee attacks to the arms, high caliber bullets or explosions. Optionally, blocking zombie hits will have a chance to break the arms.

    Symptoms: Shaking hands when aiming the gun.

    Treatment: bones will heal by themselves in about 10 minutes. Injecting Morphine or consuming pain killers will temporary remove the shaking symptom. Applying splint has no effect for arms.

    Helpful Hints
    Do not waste your medication ...taking multiple pills of the same type at the same time does not work, it is recommended that you wait until the previous pill icon has gone before using another. You can however utilize different types of pills at the same time to treat respective diseases.

    Hemolytic Reaction
    Transfusing blood with the incorrect blood type will create a hazardous hemolytic reaction. However, unlike vanilla DayZ, this mod allows for the bonus transfusion amount, but blood loss will still occur, you will still fall unconscious so take care.

    Symptoms: Unconsciousness, decreasing blood levels, and likely death.

    Treatment: Utilizing saline bags will counter the blood loss, and therefore the negative effect of the hemolytic transfusion, leaving only its positive effect. Naturally, using the correct blood type for transfusion will avoid being in this situation.

    Unique Challenges and Immersion

    This mod heightens immersion by requiring the player to periodically "sleep". Your fatigue (rest) meter will slowly decrease over time and in approximately 3.5 hours you will need to rest, or risk random ‘eyes closing’ and possible unconsciousness.

    To "sleep" you will need to use the wheel emote ‘Misc>lie down’.

    Symptoms: Eyes closing will commence at approximately 18% (configurable). At approximately 15% you also run the increasing risk of suddenly falling unconscious.

    Helpful hints: Sleep near a fire or inside tent (medium tent). With no fire nearby you will recover to a maximum 50% of your fatigue meter, regardless of time of day or night. With a fire, during the day, you will recover a maximum of 75%, while sleeping at night near a fire will enable you to regain the full 100% of your fatigue meter. Same applies for sleeping inside tent. Beware....if you sleep without a fire or outside tent, you will likely catch a cold or flu…

    Raising your fatigue meter from 0-100% will take approximately 5 minutes with an uninterrupted sleep, and your fatigue meter will raise incrementally the longer you sleep. Drinking energizing drinks or caffeine (any drink can be configured for this use) can boost your fatigue meter for a moderate amount of time.

    Configure your server to serve your favorite alcoholic drinks.

    Symptoms: Expect the negative effect of blurry vision, but the positive effect of reduced pain: the ability to walk/run faster when injured (similar to pain medications but with longer effects). But beware....the dangers of overindulgence are increasing laughter and potentially falling unconscious in the streets.

    Treatment: As you would expect, over time, these effects will subside.

    Biohazard Zone
    Beware the biohazard zone, a dangerous, noxious area that presents an extra challenge for players wanting such a thrilling experience. A skull icon is your indication that you have been exposed to this toxin. This zone will cause death in minutes if you enter unprotected. Equipping Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) suits will aid you in surviving longer in this zone, even partial protection will enable you to survive for longer periods. However, you will need to manage your exposure wisely to prevent toxin buildup.

    NBC suit protection configuration: Hood 10%, Gas mask 30%, Jacket 20%, Gloves 10%, Pants 20%, Boots 10%. And will influence direct proportionally the time needed for toxin to reach max level.

    Note: You cannot eat or drink with a gas mask on, you must remove this item to consume food/fluids and doing so while in the biohazard zone will expose you to a high pathogen dose. Also any bleeding wound, blood collection, transfusion or saline usage that is caused or take place inside the zone will add even more to the body toxin level.

    Symptoms: Vomiting blood with increasing severity until death.

    Treatment: Leaving the zone will stop the build up of the pathogen, which will then start to subside without taking any further action. However you will continue to vomit blood until your toxin level has reached 0. While the effects of the pathogen will halt and start to subside once out of the zone, it may take up to an hour for the effects to be clear of the body and you will likely need to utilize blood transfusions and saline to survive during this time. Comfortingly, the pathogen is not contagious, and there is no requirement for quarantine.


    Testwoche :-)

    Da mich persönlich DayZ Expansion abnervt und nur Schwierigkeiten bezüglich anderer Mods macht,

    habe ich für euch einen neuen Server eingerichtet. Es sind dort alle gewohnten Mods enthalten


    die neuen Zombies (wieder aktiv)


    Basebuilding Plus

    Medical Attention

    Sky Jeep (…52228&searchtext=sky+Jeep)

    Server Panel (Drücke ESC -> Server Information)

    Beton Mischer

    Weniger Loot

    Jedoch keine Helis. Wenn man Helis benötigt, dann kann man per Spenden einen Heli-Mod kaufen...

    Ihr habt dort 1 Woche Zeit, die neue Bau-Mod zu testen usw. GGf. können wir euch auch Baumaterial zur Verfügung stellen.

    Hier findet ihr eine Anleitung wegen dem Bau-Mod und wegen C4:

    Nach 1 Woche wird der Spielstand jedoch wieder gelöscht und wir entscheiden, wie es weiter geht.

    Passwort: 2020


    Test week :-)

    Since DayZ Expansion annoys me personally and only causes problems with other mods,

    I set up a new server for you. All the usual mods are included there


    the new zombies (active again)


    Basebuilding Plus

    Medical Attention

    Sky Jeep (…52228&searchtext=sky+Jeep)

    Server Panel (Press ESC -> Server Information)

    Better Airdrop

    Concrete Mixers

    Rare Loot

    But no helicopters. If you need helicopters, you can buy a helicopter mod with donations ...

    There you have 1 week to test the new construction mod, etc. GGf. we can also provide you with building material.

    Here you can find instructions for the construction mod and C4:

    After 1 week, however, the game will be deleted and we will decide how to proceed.

    Password: 2020

    Es steht nichts dagegen. Man müßte sich jedoch generell mal Gedanken wegen den Regeln machen. Man müßte es verbieten, dass man mit einem Heli raiden darf. Da ja der Heli den Personen gegeben wird (oder wie man es halt entscheidet), dann dürften die nicht raiden. Usw.

    Denke ein Heli Mod kostet ca. 100 €

    Es gibt einige, die basieren aber auf Expansion. Man benötigt einen unabhängigen Mod.

    Night Wolf mach gute Heli Mods..

    Dieser unten angegebene z.B. läuft auf einem bekannten Server.

    Night Wolf liefert auch immer wieder neue Modelle nach, die auf dem Grund-Mod basieren.

    Man müßte mal anfragen, was es kostet usw.

    Bei Bedarf allerdings nur. Darf gerne einer von euch machen...

    Partner sind die gemeint, welche einen Mod bei ihm kaufen.

    Steht dort in der Mod - Beschreibung...


    Only the important thins shown here:

    Das wichtigste in Kurzform


    Problem mit den Mods immer noch vorhanden:


    - Added color grading and viginette in the ingame client settings.

    - Added client settings to toggle 2D map and 3D world markers visibilities.

    - Added a new soundtrack for the main menu

    - Added a server side setting to disable/enable the display of the custom deathscreen. "UseDeathScreen" in the GeneralSettings.json (0 = Disabled (Default) | 1 = Enabled)

    - Added a server side setting to disable/enable the display of the player statistics shown on the death screen. "UseDeathScreenStatistics" in the GeneralSettings.json (0 = Disabled (Default) | 1 = Enabled)

    - Added a server side setting to disable/enable the display of the Expansion News-Feed in the in-game menu. "UseNewsFeedInGameMenu" in the GeneralSettings.json (0 = Disabled (Default) | 1 = Enabled)

    - Added a server side setting to disable/enable the Party Side Chat. "EnablePartyChat in the GeneralSettings.json (0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled (Default))

    - Added a server side setting to disable/enable the Transport Side Chat. "EnableTransportChat" in the GeneralSettings.json (0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled (Default))

    - Added a server side setting to show the name of all server markers. "ShowNameOnServerMarkers" in the MapSettings.json (0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled (Default))

    - Added a server side setting to show the distance of all server markers. "ShowDistanceOnServerMarkers" in the MapSettings.json (0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled (Default))

    - (DayZ 1.09 Dependency) Added a server side setting to have the territory flag auto deploy upon being placed. "EnableSimpleFlagBuilding" in the BaseBuildingSettings.json (0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled (Default))

    - (DayZ 1.09 Dependency) Added a server side setting to have the territory flag require a flag item, if enabled you can't remove the item spawned in the flag. "AddFlagItem" in the BaseBuildingSettings.json (0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled (Default))

    - (DayZ 1.09 Dependency) Added a server side setting to have the territory flag have a flag menu. "EnableFlagMenu" in the BaseBuildingSettings.json (0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled (Default))


    - Keyboard and Mouse can be used with Freelook now for the Helicopters

    - Increased the UH1H lift force and decreased the UH1h anti-torque coefficients

    - Increased the MH6 lift force

    - Increased the Gyrocopter lift force

    - Increased the engine RPM and engine torque the UAZ

    - Lowered the gearbox ratios for the Transit Bus

    - Reworked the Vodnik suspension, engine and gearbox

    - Changed the chat visibility

    - Fixed the "Gyrocopter", you can now start the engine.

    - Fixed the "Vodnik", you can now drive the car.

    - Territory Flags will get automatically replaced when your server updates to 1.09. The territory information will be copied to the new flag.

    You do need to regenerate your GeneralSettings.json in your server settings. -> muss noch erledigt werden, danach kann ich erst die Einstellungen aktivieren

    Muss von DEG noch eingepflegt werden muß ( ASAP = as soon as possible 8) )

    Vodnik Spawn

    Gyrocopter Spawn

    Deathscreen mit Statistiken einschalten

    Party Side Chat einschalten

    Namens- und Entfernungsanzeige bei den Markern einschalten

    Hallo zusammen,

    eigentlich war ich um 0:30 Uhr mit beiden Server fertig (Konfigdateien vergleichen, was sich an Items und Einstellungen geändert hat bzw. was neu hinzugefügt werden muß), danach hat mich jedoch DayZ-Expansion so intensiv beschäftigt (bis 2:45 Uhr). Dayz-Expansion ist dermaßen empfindlich, daß mit diversen Mods der Server einfach nicht mehr startet. Habe zig andere Reihenfolgen der Mods durchprobiert, kein Erfolg und so mußte ich 2 Mods dauerhaft weglassen: PerishableFood (Essen wird nach einiger Zeit schlecht) und die neuen Zombies (ich könnte weinen). Der Essensmod brachte Fehler und mit den Zombie-Mod startet der Server absolut nicht mehr. Einmal hinzugefügt und dann wieder entfernt, der Server startet nie wieder und ich muss den Server komplett neu erstellen. Ganz crazy. Desweiteren startet der Server nicht, wenn z.b. MedicalAttention hinzugefügt wird.

    Langfristig und spätestens zum nächsten großen DayZ Update will ich von DayZ Expansion weg. Es macht immer Probleme was Mods betriftt, ist verbuggt usw. Würde vorschlagen BaseBuilding Plus wie auf Deer Insle einzusetzen. Dann können wir auch wieder Mods einfügen. DayZ Expansion weg, Basebuildingplus rein + MedicalAttention usw. Dann gibt es jedoch keine Helis mehr, wir haben aber wesentlich mehr Bauoptionen (Stein, Eisen, Blech,...).

    Wir müßten jedoch über Spenden uns eigene Mods mit Helis kaufen. Falls ihr Helis braucht.

    Aber dazu werden wir noch eine Umfrage machen müssen...

    Morgen Nachmittag kommt das DayZ Update 1.09 mit massiven Basebuilding Änderungen... Bitte morgen nach 12 Uhr nichts mehr bauen. Kann sein dass wir die Datenbank zu diesem Stand wiederherstellen müssen. Es kann auch sein, dass es Tage dauern wird, bis alle Mods wieder laufen... Wir machen keinen Wipe, obwohl es empfohlen ist. Hoffe das es auch so umsetzbar ist...

    Wenn der Server nicht startet, dann kann ich es mir erst morgen Abend ansehen...